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coming so keep your eye on the papers for our movements. The strongest rumour here now is that our next objective will be France but one never knows, it may be like last year a sudden move & a equally sudden fight in some Godforsaken spot.All us old hands hope to be sent first to England & then France to have a go at the cause of the trouble:- Germany.The old Battalion is a sorry lot now Lizzie the men they are sending from Australia are either too young or too old & they havn't the physique required to be a good soldier, we call them "War babies" hard thinkers & other choice names, or say it took you a long time to find out the war was on. There are only a few old hands & they form a sort of brotherhood & stick together.Well dear I will close now with fondest love from your loving brother Ken to self Ralph & Beres.Thanks for the Ulmarra photo one of my old mates is standing on the wharf.
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