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& then a month after at Anzac made Sergeant & dated back one month, have acted as Company Sergeant Major & Coy QuarterMaster Sergeant & now a sort of a "Bucksheesh" Lieutenant. So you see I have been through the mill in nearly every capacity & I hope my career & promotion as an officer is more rapid. I know both you & Ralph will be pleased to hear of this, also Dad & the Mater etc etc.There is only one time since being in the Battn. have I felt prouder than I do now, that was during the evacuation from Anzac when I in company with an old comrade called Sergt Kelly were selected to be the last two men in our Company to leave the trenches & get off the Peninsula. I havn't mentioned this previously on account of the censorship re the said evacuation. Will give you a detailed account "in fact wrote you a good account & had to destroy it" when the opportunity occurs. Well dear will finish up tomorrow.13.3.16I am not allowed to write about our doings or where we are, but the spring is
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