State Library of NSW
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either in the productions of the Soil, or the Customs of the Inhabitants; examining the Country as far Inlands as he shall think it prudent to venture with the small number of persons who can be spared from the charge of the Vessel, wherever there appears to him be a probability of discovering any thing useful to the Commerce or Manufactures of Great Britain.
When you shall have completely examined the whole of the Coast from Basses Straits to King Geo the 3ds Harbour, you are, at such time as may be most suitable for the purpose to proceed to, & explore
[In margin] the NW Coast of New Holland whence from the extreme hight of the Tides observd the Dampier it is probable that valuable harbours will be discoverd proper for the repairing of Ships & very suitable to the commerce of the East India Company. After this you are carefully to examine
the Gulph of Carpentaria, & the parts to the Westward thereof, between the 130 & 140 degrees of East Longitude; taking care to seize the earliest possible opportunity to do so, when the Seasons & prevalent winds may be favourable for visiting those Seas.
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