State Library of NSW
[Page 66]
Harl . MS . 4690 . fol. 81b
"And in this Englishmen hawnted to mocke unto the folye off strawngers thatte for fro that tyme every yere thei chaungedde harn in diverse schappes and disgisingges of clothengge. Now long, now large, now wide, now streite. And every day clothingges newe destitute & deserte from alle honeste off holde array and gode usage. And another the tyme to schorte clothes and to streite wastedde with oute the sleves & tapetes off surcotes. And hodes over longge & large alle to daggede & kutt on every side and alle to slateredde & also botenedde with oute slyves thatt iff iy wthe shalle sey thei weren more lyke to turmentoures & develes in her clothing and also in schoyng and other aray thatt thei semed no menne. And yette the wymmenne werenne more nycely arraiedde & passed the menne in alle maner off araies & coriousloker for thei weredde so streite clothes that thei late sewe long foxe tailes benethe with iynne forthe her clothes for to hele with her arses the whiche disgisingges & pride peranenture afterwarde brought forthe & causedde many myshappes & myscheves in the reme off Englond."
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