Draft of a paper concerning the history of dress, undated (Series 87.02) - No. 0052

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No 27                   Wigs

we do not meet with wigs till the Restoration when Ch 2nd Returned from his banishment in an immense one
Hen 1st Forbad the wearing of Long hair with Locks & Peruques  Camdens Remains 1120?      p 25  I doubt the Peruques
Peruque      Counter feit hair which men wear instead of their own a thing much used in our Dayes by the generality of men Contrary to our Forefathers who Got Estates Loved their wives & wor their own hair   Randle Holm B.2 P.389
Sorts of wigs     a Border of hair  Locks to Cover the Ears & neck
                        a short Bobb a head of hair with short Locks & a hairy Crown  ch 17 No. 1
                        a Long Perawick with side hair & a Pole Lock behind  Fig No. 117
                        a Campain wig hath knots or bobs on Each Side with a Curled Forehead  it is also Calld a Travelling wig  N. 118
                        a grafted wig  a Perawick with a Turn on the top of the head, Imitation of mans hairy [brain?]  Randle Holm  B 2 p 463. See F 117, 118  p473.117.118


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