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No 26 Uniform
in all probability the ancient uniform of the English Soldier was white Englishmen were bad Dyers They sent their white cloths for many to Flanders to be dyed, The Red Cross no doubt engended in the Crusades when all who vowed to march against the infideld took the Cross as it was Calld, that is had a Red Cross sewd on their outward Garment at the Battle of Bosworth Sir John Savage Commanded the Left wing whose 1485 Soldiers were all alike Clad in White Coats & hoods of Frize Baker at the Battle of St . albine the People of Britany aparrelld 1,700 of their own Soldiers in white Coats with Red Crosses after the english manner & made thereby a Shew of two Regiments of English Speed Heny. p746 1512 during the seige of Tarwin in France maximilian the Emperor enterd into the pay of Hen 8th wearing the Cross of St. George with the Rose the Kings badge as his Faithfull Soldier Speed p 766. 1553 in wyatts rebellion we read of Capt Brett & his band of whitecoats crying we are all Englishmen 1544 King Henry 8th took order for Levying of a mighty army to Pass over into France There were appointed three Battailles Those of the Foreward were apparelld in Blue Coates garded with Red & hed Caps & hosen after the same Suit Part Blew & Part Red The Battaille under the Duke of Suffolk in Coats Caps & hosen in Like manner but the Color blue & yellow Howe 1485 This year a life guard was first instituted by Hen 7th, it consisted of 50 Horse each Soldier having 3 Great horses for his own use besides an archer & a Demilance to attend him 7 a [Custrell?] or Servant Both they and all their Horses were [Tropd?] in cloth of Gold Silver or Goldsmiths work the Band was Soon after dissolvd Daniel 1509 1380 When the Rebels of Kent under wat Tyler marchd to Blackheath they had Two Banners of St George & 3 score Persons armed before them Howe 1264 at the Battle of Lewis the Earl of Leicester Caused all his men to wear White Crosses danyel p 152 1471 in Barnet Field the day being misty hindred thier Eyes if for [sight] so that the Stars Embroiderd on the E of oxfords mens Coates were mistaken for the Sun which King Edwards men wore Speed p 695 1510 King Henry sent Troops to Flanders to aid the Duchess of Sevoy at the end of the Campain the Duchess seeing the Englishmens Coats to worn & foul with laying on the ground gave to each a Coate of woolen cloth colord white & green, red & yellow the white & green for the King of Englands Liverie The Red & yellow for the Duke of Burgoines Livery & these 4 colors were medled together Howe 1512 10,000 soldiers were Sent to Spain among them 500 almiens clad in White Stow
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