Draft of a paper concerning the history of dress, undated (Series 87.02) - No. 0039

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No 18                   Coat

The word Coat seems to have been in ancient times applied cheefly if not intirely to armor
Mail      Coats of mail Coat armor Privy Coats &c  afterwards it was used for the uniforms of Soldiers & the Liveries of Great men for danish Coats of mail See Strutt vol 1 P 26
1527      Howe in his Chronicle speaking of the Pomp of Cardinel wollsey says Then marchd he forward from his own house in westminster through London having before him of Gentlemen a great number 3 in Rankes in Velvet Coats & all his yeomen followd himwithnoble men & Gentlemens servants all in orange Towne Coats
again in the account of his Pomp when Ambassador to the Emperor his servants his yeomen & mean officers are said to have worn coats of fine Scarlet Garded with black velvet a hand broad
1485      The soldiers in the Left wing at the Battle of Bosworth were clad in a white hood & coats of Frize   Baker  
1553       in Speed we read of Capt Bret & his band of White Coats also of 1200 1554       Northern White Coats & of Sir H Benfield with 100 soldiers in Blue Coats
1312      There was
1470      The Lord welles & Sir Robt Dymock his Son in Law were beheaded  Sr
Robt weles on hearing this [formd?] battle with the King Edwd 4th near Stamford where he was defeated   on this occasion the Licolnshire men to make themselves the Lighter to Run away threw off their Coats for which cause the Battle was afterwards calld the Loose Coat Field   Baker p 208  Steed p 692
1582      their Coats and jerkins are divers Colors Some close to the body Some Loose reaching down to the thigh like bags or Sacks hiding the proportions of the body Some are buttond down the breast some under the arm & some down the back Some with flaps over the breast some with great Sleeves some with small & some with none  some pleated & Crested behind   Stubbes anatomy of abuses
Liveries      Liveries were deleverys of victual & clothing from Great Persons to their servants & dependents
Hen 8th Livery was Red guarded with yellow  Howe
1603      The Train of the high Sherif of Herts had blue Livery Coats & white Doublets   Howe
Richd 2nd had one coat that Cost him 30,000 marks  Hollingshead 1110
see cloaks for the beginning of the Present Fashion or our Coats 1633
Burnette a Burnette Cote being there withall  Chaucer  Remont of the Race  226 Burnette was a Rich Stuff forbidden to the midling classes


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