Draft of a paper concerning the history of dress, undated (Series 87.02) - No. 0016

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                             Breech     No. 2
Carriers of Breeches   [Pevironolia Girle?] Rider
Point    a Trussing Point   Carrigia Gold: Rider Ligulus
Bunhook are Breeches    Enod & Goldman
a Truss or breech worn next the hair in Swimmer/Gold
Lies Trussed Cingitur   Gold

1554    When Sir Thos. Wyatt was in the Scaffold he Put off his Gown & untrussed his Points and after he Plucked off his doublet & waistcoat Stave
The Lower Garment & th Doublet were no doubt trussed together by the Point
1595     there is nothing so vaine, & you yourself tell can ask to bag a Breech of  a Bare arst man Heiwood  Part 1 Ch 9 who had the worse end of the [Staffe?] (Quothd) now
shall the Mayster wear a Breeche, or none, say you?  do Part 2 Ch 3
The  breechless Maister
The maister weareth Breech, then I Protest
 The maister is either a Girle a Boy or a beast  &c Epigrams No 196
1571     The Truss was so short that the breech which reachd to about [need]
 thigh appear very Plein  Q Elizabeths visit to Low Hunsdon vertue
 shirt strings   strings wherewith the Slops are tyed up Ossolieri   Florio 
Hose Garters
1530     {Payre of Hose from the Knee upwards     Dornychausse }
{Payre of slop hoses Braiettes    }  Palsgrave
{Breech of Hosen Braiette Braie  }
Breached Hose or Else the Breeches of an Hose Superior Brechiarum Pars    Pudenda & [Fomora Obtegene]  Higgins]
Neather Coif } Neather Breache   This was a kinde of Breeches that men wore in the Cold weather under their Long coates in Old tymes & were called neather Coifes or Nether Breeches
Stropyll    Latin  Femorale  [Brompt?]
a breech   Latin  Subligar Subligaculum  Foemorale Brecha   withall 1594
Breeches  veron in his dictionariolum puerorum 1552 has breeches in the Plural  number  See Bracha  vell Bracha Bracharum also under [Foemoretia]    Breeches, des brayes [Reiizonic Genizzoma] &c
Subligaculum  a Breech  F brayes &c 
 Breeches slops or Long hose  [Braccosi?]                           }
 Breeches with stockings carved to them  [Foemini Gurcha?] }  Reder.1.
Truss   a Trusse whereunto a mans hose is tied & Succingulum Examies Reder }
            a trusse or Breech worne next the Bare as in swimming  L Subligar  Reder} 1589
chauses a la } close or streight Venetians tyed below the knee: Priestes
Bigotte         } Breeches   Colgrave
venetian   Large Venetians having Cod Peices & gatherd or full of Stuff at the  knees [Cotyr Braguesque]
chausses a la Gigotte very close Venetians old fashiond Venetian Cotyr
Hoegner to Puff out as sarcenet in a Breech cut after  The surfs Fashion to hang forth Loose to it bagging Flagging or befrumpled as an overwide garment  Cotyr Garg 
chausse   a Breeke or Breech in which Sence it is most Commonly Plural  Coty
Chausse a la gargues que Gregges or Gallogaskins  Cotyr 
Chausse a [queue de merlu] Round breeches with Short [Carning] having in the Seat a Peice like a Fishes Tail worn by old men scholars & such Niggardly or needy Persons   Cotyr

I have somewhere seen an account of an archer who being mocked by an enemy who showed his Posterior in derision revenged himself by nailing the breech of the sender to his backside with an arrow


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