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No. 1. Bonnet Cap, Hat, Bever
Englishmen do not appear to have usd any ornamental Covering for their heads in Early times, hoods (See No. 15) contrivd for use only appear to have were universaly worn it is probable that Bonnets were first introduced in the Reign of Hen 7th or possibly in that of Richd 3d Soldiers however wore hoods as a Part of their uniform in the Battle of Bosworth. The Bonnett resembled in general appearance the [Seat] bonnet now in use, it was frequently ornamented by a Sprig of jewel calld a Sprig generaly having '2 or 3' Branches 1486 In 1502 1486 The Lord major [Drank?] to John Percival his Carver who stood uncoverd before him & they created him Sheriff for the ensueing year, on this John Coverd hismself head and sat down at the table. walton Daniel The Italians wore bonnets long before this time it is probable the Custom Came to England from thence The Cap was probably another name for the Bonnet the Cappers were incorporated in the years 1505 in 1505 a Cap of maintenence was Sent to Hen 7th by Pope Julius Howe 1514 a cap of maintenance was sent by the pope to Hen 8th Stowe Felts in the beginning of Hen 8th Reign began the making of Spanish Felte in England before that time & since the English used to ride & go winter & Summer in Knit Caps Cloth Hoods & the best Sort in Silk Throned hats Howes 876 in the Print of the Court of wards supposd to be taken about the year 1585 Burgleigh the President wearing the Collar of the [Garter] is coverd with a Felt hat The cheif Justices are Coverd with Caps the Surveyor wears a Silk figurd hat The rest are uncoverd but their Bevers with rather narrow brim lay on the Table 1633 [Whillerte?] tell us that his marques had rich Sprigs in their Caps p. 21 sprigs these therefore were the Fashionable apparel of the head in times of [Society?] Bevers or Felts had not yet prevaild over them The Tuft of Herons Feathers necessary to Compleat the Plume a Knight of the Garter is calld technicaly a Sprig Geofrey Earl of Anjou was Called Plantagenet Planta Genista because he wore in his Cap or Bonnet a Sprig of Broom Sandford p.34 aglet 1580 an aglet or jewel in ones Cap Alveary 1192? Richard the first while in Captivity invested the Emperor with the Kingdom of England by delivery of his Hat Danyel p 102 Bareheads in the Saxon almanae in the British museum all the [indecipherable] represented gentle or simple are bareheaded Strut vol 1 Pl: 10 &c 1367 in 44th Edwe 3d they began to use Cappes of divers Color especialy Red with Costly Linings Camdens Remains p 233
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