Draft of a paper concerning the history of dress, undated (Series 87.02) - No. 0004

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Minutes Concerning the dress of the English in ancient times before the Reign of Ch 1st

in the art of Carving a book first publishd in      [no doubt?] from a Ms much more [ancient?] to the dress of a nobleman is thus enumerated

1 Bonnet
2 Shirt
3 {Breech - overstock
4 {Peticote

Hose - nether stocks   Stick up his hosen mannerly& tie them up
[Hen 8?] wore wore hose of Cloth or Taffety [indecipherable]

6 Shoes
7 Doublet   Lace his doublet hole by hole
8 Robe    no doubt gown

Stomacher      put on his doublet & his stomacher
                       no Knight shall wear his hands in the Pockets 

10 Great Rolled hose with the Spanish whool of his  [gerte Grayorum?] p 18 3
11 Surcoat  The light doublet worn over armor
12 Jerkin   was it part of a Gentlemans dress or wern only by Servingmen
            the Earl of oxford bought a Perfumd Leather jerkin [from [indecipherable] [Howe?]
13 Gown  See Robe
14 Mantle  See Robe
15 Hood
16 Tippet  See hood
17 Ruff.  
18 Falling band    See Letter d
19 Cassock   Letter e  See Gown Introduction
20 Coat
21 Cap  with a about the beginning of Hen 8th Felts were made   Howe

Jaquets      a Rich Garment of the D of Lancaster Calld a  [Jackeer?] with a sprig  Jaquet  Howe 286  1380

9 The first Favor she granted him was peice of an old scarlet peteecoat for a stomacher  Cowleys double [Jacker?]  1710 act 3d Scene 5
3 Breeches      Slops or Long hose - Gouldman's Dict Cambridge 1674
4 Peticoat [indecipherable] wore her Peticoats or kirtle Encombometa Do.
5 a hose or neather stock Caliga  Sock hose [Tubraci?]  hose which Cover the thighs  [Crurole?]   Knee hose [Tibiale?] Do
9 a Stomacher    Pectorale &c Macmillan
12 a Jerkin or Jacket  [Turiciela?] Do. vestes curtes & sine menicis  ainsworth
11 I. A. Bollen is said to have worn a Circote of her [Coroneter?]  in another Place the Peers are said to have dind in their Kertle

Pulld off his Gown & doublet having on him a white satin waistcoat 1684 account of the beheeding of The Earl of Holland Whittacke p 387
having put of his gown & doublet 1600 Sir danvers's execution  Howes

Hen 8 gave by his will to 12 Poor Knights of Windsor each of them a Long Gown of White cloth & a mantle of Red cloth to be worn thereupon
7 in 1380 wat Tylers doublet maker chargd [£8 s8] a peice for his doublets Howe  blue Livery Coats & white doublet  1603  Howe  The [train?] of the Sherif of Herts 

1527 The Cardinal marchd forward many Gentlemen riding before him in velvet Coats with the Cardinal Corset & embroiderd on all the Coates as as well of his own servants as the Gentlemens servants  Howe
in the account of wolseys pomp when embassador to the Emperor his servants his yeomen & [even?] officers are said to have worn Coates of fine scarlet garded with Black velvet in  [hand tread?] 

1527 in Bear hunting the king & the gentlemen were in their dublets & hose
5.7 (having no doubt laid aside their gowns)   Howe

15 1530 master walsh being enterd the Cardinals Chamber began to Pluck off his hood 
Carver     The Carver the Sewer & the Coat bearer  See Struts vol 2 Pl 18


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