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Towth clothes or Tothecloths
1578 Mrs Twiste 6 wrought with Black Silke & Edged with Gold
1578 Lady Barroness Chandos a vale of Black network Flourishd with the
flowers of Silver & small bone Lace
Mrs Eliz Howarde one of network flourishd with Gold & Spangles & small
small bone Lace of Gold
1600 Countess of Southampton one vale or mantle of white knitwork with Silver
Baroness abella one scarf or head vale
Warming Balls
1561 Lady Dacres one of Gold
1584 Knets like Bonser Knets & others like matreices Knets in a necklace
[Essefarmes?] & other Knets embroidery
a waistcoat
1589 Lady Leyton a waistcoat of white Sarsnet
1561 Pairs of Sleeves, a Feyne Carpet of Needlework, a haunce Pot,
PetyCoate, Sweete bagges, a Pinpillow (Pincussion?) Neckekercheve
a Cross bowe with a gaffle
1578 A Frayne gown, a gyrdill, a mantyl, Foreparts & a kyrtle
Dublet, a Scarfe, a Corcanet, Pillow byers, a Toothe pike, a Cusshon
Cloth a Pomaunder Gloves, a Casket, Braslets, a waistcoate, dublate
a forke of agatha, a Lute, agowne &c with Long aglets, Lute Strings
1600 an amulet, a KorKanet, a goblet of Tafeta, Buttons, 16 Pairs of
Perfumed gloves
1589 orves of venis Gold Squares of Silver orves a Peice of Cornesson