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morning to search for a Passage within it. -- At 9 in the morning I saw the Reef again, and soon after standing along it to the Northward I discovered an Opening which I safely entered and got into Smooth Water. --
At Noon Latitude 12º:46' So 145º:02' Et, the entrance I came in at SE about 2 leagues. --
At ¼ past 5 in the Afternoon I got into a Bay on an Island about ¼ Mile from the Main and finding it uninhabited I determined on searching for Supplies. Night came on, we however got a few Oysters from the Rocks which gave us a tolerable good Meal.
As our Boat was only large enought to admitt One half of us to rest at a time. I consented that one party should Sleep on shore, but unfortunately having no materials we could not light a Fire. --
29th May -- At Dawn of day we went in search of Water and what else we could get, and happily by digging found fine fresh Water and plenty of it. -- Oysters were the only supply besides, of which with our allowance of Bread we made very good Stews. -- When the Sun came out strong I was enabled to kindle a fire by a small magnifying Glass and we then made Tinder and Matches to supply our wants in future. --
All hands were very weak which with dizziness in the Head and a dreadfull Tenesemus, [Tenesmus] were the