Letter received by Banks from WilliamBligh, 13 October 1789 (Series 46.27 - No. 0014

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Taking this as a real sample of their natural dispositions, there were little hopes to expect much where I was going, for I considered their good behaviour hitherto owing to a dread of our Fire Arms which now knowing us to have none, would not be the Case, and that supposing our lives were safe, Our Boat, Compass, and Quadrant, would all be taken from me, and thereby I should not be able to return to my King and Country, to give an Account of the transaction. --

I was now sollicited by every Person to take them towards home, and when I told them no hopes of releif remained for us, but what I might find at New Holland, untill I came to Timor a distance of 1200 leagues, where there was a Governor, but that I had no idea at what part of the Island the Settlement was. They all agreed to live on one Ounce of Bread per day and One Jill of Water. --

I therefore after recommending this promise forever to their memory, I bore away for New Holland and from thence to Timor at Distance of 1200 leagues accross a Sea Where the Navigation is dangerous and not known, and in a Small Boat deep loaded with 18 Souls, without a Single Map, and nothing but my own reccollection and general knowledge of the situation of Places, assisted by a Table in an Old Book of Latitude & Longitude to guide me. --

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