Letter received by Banks from WilliamBligh, 13 October 1789 (Series 46.27 - No. 0010

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asleep seized and tyed my hands behind my back with a strong Cord, and with Cutlasses and a Bayonet fixed at my breast threatened instant death if I spoke or made the least noise. --

I nevertheless called out so loud that every one heard me and were flying to my Assistance, but all my Officers except those concerned were kept in their Cabbins by Armed Centinels and the Armed Chest was in their possession. -- I was now hauled upon Deck in my shirt and Hands tyed behind me held by Fletcher Christian and Charles Churchill with a Bayonet at my breast, and two Men Alexr. Smith and Thomas Burkitt behind me with Loaded Musquets cocked and Bayonets fixed, under this Guard I was kept abaft the Mizen Mast. -- The different Hatchways were all guarded by Armed Men in the same Manner, and those who were to be sent out of the ship and some of the Mutineers who could be spared hoisted the Boats out, Among these was the Boatswain who with some others got Sails, Twine, Rope, Grapnel and a small Cask of water into the Boat, about which there were many Altercations among the Mutinous Crew, and exerting myself in speaking loud to try if I could rally any with a sense of duty in them, I was saluted with Damn his Eyes blow his brains out. --

Being confined and kept apart from every one Mr Samuel my Clerk secured to me a Quadrant & Compass, some Cloaths, my Journals, and a few Material Ships Papers, but

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