Letter received by Banks from WilliamBligh, 13 October 1789 (Series 46.27 - No. 0009

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Their language seemed to prove them nearly the same People as at Otaheite. -- This Island is about 10 miles in Circuit in Latitude 18:52 So​. It has Eight small Keys lying joined by a Reef to the SSE of it, and One to the WSW. The Southernmost Key lies in Latitude 18:58 S​o​. The Longitude by Observation is 200º 19' East of Greenwich. Variation Compass 0º 14' Et​.

On the 18th April I saw Savage Island in 19º 02' So​ and Longitude by my Observation 190º 18' Et ​of Greenwich.

On the 21st of April I made the Friendly Islands and on the 23d following I Anchored in Annamoca Road (called by Tasman Rotterdam) on the 26th having completed my Water and got on board some Wood I sailed. -- This Island lies in Latitude 20º 16' So​ 185º 30' Et. --

​On the 28th of April in the Morning the NW most of the Friendly Islands called Tofoa bore NE 10 Leagues and I had directed my Course to the WNW with a Ship in most perfect Order and all my Plants in a most flourishing condition. All my Men and Officers in good health and in short every thing to flatter and insure my most sanguine expectations and Success.--

​But I am now to relate one of the most atrocious and consumate Acts of Piracy ever committed.

At Dawn of Day Fletcher Christian, Officer of the Watch, Charles Churchill, ships Corporal, Thomas Burkett, Seaman, and several others came into my Cabbin, and while I was 


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