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On the 19th September after having past the South Part of New Zealand. I discovered very dangerous Rocky Islets never known before, they extend 3½ miles East and West, and 1½ North and South. They lie from the Traps off the South End of New Zealand So 89 East, distant 146 Leagues, Their Latitude is 47º 11' 30" So. Longitude 179º 09' East. --
On the 26th October I anchored in Matavai Bay Otaheite. Sailed the 25 December and Anchored in Toahroah Harbour 3 miles distance from the Bay. I remained here untill the 4th April, when I sailed with 1015 Bread Fruit Plants and many Fruit Kind, in all 774 Pots, 39 Tubs, of 24 Boxes.
Latitude of this Harbour ..... 17º 31'.26" So
Longitude pn. Observn. Sun & Moon and Stars each side of the Moon ..... 210º 31'.37" Et
Variation Compass ..... 5':31" Et
I left these happy Islanders in much distress, for the utmost affection, regard, and good fellowship remained among us during my Stay. -- The King and all the Royal Family were allways my Guests, and their good sense and Observations, joined with the most engaging dispositions in World, will ever make them beloved by all who become acquainted with them as Friends.
On the 12th April I discover'd an Island called by the Natives Whytootackee whose cheif was named Comackaiah as I was informed by People in a Cannoe that came off to me.