Letter received by Banks from Thomas Walker, 29 September1803 (Series 72.196) - No. 0006

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Compton told me in Mr Parkinsons Presence that many of his neighbours know the ewe in Question to be his Ewe & desird him to send some of them to me who would tell me so.

He sent 6 of his neighbours all of them Spoke well of him as a neighbour but not one of them had any knowledge whose property the Ewe was likely to be.
Novr. 6

Chapman who [indecipherable] with Fleck is of opinion that it is not Comptons Sheep.  Compton has allowd his ear mark & has not now in his Flock any Sheep as young as the Sheep in Question that has the Old ear mark.

Compton this man denied before me Mr Parkinson & Mr Roberts that he had Ever Said to Chapman the words  Mr M's servant hear[d] Chapman repeat.

Mr Chapman before the same persons affirmed that he had & gave his reasons why he mentioned the arrival in my Servants hall.


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