Letter received by Charles Francis Greville from William Bligh, 5 November 1807 (Series 40.075) - No. 0001

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Government House Sdney

5 Nov.r 1807

Dear Sir

     I have much pleasure in writing to You by this conveyance, as I think it is a Safe one, and to acknowledge that Doctor Townson has delivered to me your favor of the 21st Decemvber.  I return you many thanks for your disinterested advice and have acted on them on all occasions, but you can form no Idea of the Class of Persons here who consider themselves Gentlemen.  The colony seems to have been in a distracted state, & this I am sorry to say has been caused by the want of proper dignity at Government House, where every person was admitted, and the Governor irritated by conversations, and troubled with Letters of complaint which he


The Right Humble Chas. F. Greville. 

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