Item 04: Richard Blundell diary, 1 January-31 December 1918 - Page 61

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[Page 61]

JUNE   1918   

6 THUR   
Fine day. Warm. Rec.  letter from Amy, ans:  same at once. Amm. going  up.
Sgts Mc.Lellan & Smelley ret:  to Bty. 5 men to hospital with  dogs disease.
Out on byke at  night. Very quiet. 2 Hun  planes down

7 FRI   
Fine day very quiet.   Posted letters to Celie. Amy  Mc.Kinlay. & aussie to May Webb.  Writing.
3 more men to  hospital. insp.  of camp by A.D.M.S.

8 SAT   
Fine day. Sports at D.A.C.  in aft. Very quiet. Rec.  letters from Tense & Thelma
Preparing to go to St. Omer  tomorrow. 3 more men to  hospital.

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