Item 04: Richard Blundell diary, 1 January-31 December 1918 - Page 91

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September   1918

19 THUR  
Fine day. blowing hard. Moved  to new possy close by. Very  quiet. Consolidating. "Hun'  counter attacked in evening.  
Amm. going up. Rec: letter from  May. Cloudy night. quiet. all   1914 men to go away very  shortly.
Rumour re pulling out  for six months

20 FRI  
Posted letters to Else P. & Zelia  Fine day. Amm:  going up. Guns moved forward  Fairly quiet.
Bombs at night.  1 Plane brought down. Billy  Williams paid us a visit

21 SAT  
Fine day. cool. Amm:  going up. Gunners & teams  changed over. 'Fritz' active  with H.V. Guns in back areas
about 12 passes through for  "Aussie" for tomorrow. Bombs  at night.   Sgts. Gilligan, Fitz & Dowe.  
Cpl Parker. Murray. Lang. Garniss. Perkins  Donoghue. etc. to go & Wallace.  Fairly quiet.

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