Item 04: Richard Blundell diary, 1 January-31 December 1918 - Page 96

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October   1918

6 SUN  
Dull day. cool. fixing up wagons  & harness cleaning.  Guns went away for calibrating  in morning.
Drew  48 hours rations. Packing up  Writing at night. Quiet.

7 MON  
Fine day. Moved off at 9 am. via  Bray etc to Vaire sous Corbie   Saw all the old boys at Bray  awaiting departure.
Good camp etc  Rain at night. Rode over to Behencourt at night. Heavy riding.  Had a bonne time.
hard Good-bye  to Tense. Left 2.30 am.  Fine day. arr home 4.15.  

8 TUES   
Moved off 7 am via Amiens  etc. had a good time in the  old City. Camped out at  St. [Savereuse?]. very cold.
Turned in early  Fine day.  

9 WED  
Moved off 9. am.  via Piquany. Sous etc.  to Airainnes. Very fine village  clean etc. fixed up billets.  
Had a good day. all hands   very merry at night.

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