Item 01: Robert Joseph Stewart diary, 25 September-9 December 1914 - Page 28

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[Page 28]


11 A.M. Men thought it was a free issue & were surprised to learn that they had to pay 3d per pint for it.

Saturday 31/10/14

Old Dr. Kane went ashore in the same Launch that brought Kelly aboard. Kelly also bought a lot of his purchases with him. I was detailed as Officer of Guard and about 9.45 A.M. The Brigadier (Col. McLaurin) The Brigade Major (Capt. F.D. Irvine R.E.) and Orderly Officer (Lieut D.M. King) paid a surprise visit to us, were in a small lifeboat from the "Euripedes" & got right alongside without being seen, my sentry on the rope ladder saw them and turned out the Guard. Colonel Braund quite surprised, Guard presented

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