Item 02: Arthur Newling diary, 25 September 1917-8 August 1918 - Page 152

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<p>[Page 152]</p><p>THURSDAY 4 JULY 1918<br />Aust advanced <s>last night</s>​ this morning. Two small batches of Hun prisoners went by here this morning. Rumour says 850 were captured on Corps front. Had letters from K &amp; Mary last night.</p><p>FRIDAY 5 JULY 1918<br />Nothing to mention.</p><p>SATURDAY 6TH JULY 1918<br />In afternoon played 10th Batty &amp; defeated them by an innings and 50 runs.</p><p>SUNDAY 7TH JULY 1918<br />Went Church parade in morning. The football team defeated DAC &amp; a cricket team defeated a &quot;Tommie&quot; team in afternoon.</p><p>MONDAY 8TH JULY 1918<br />Warm &amp; sultry.</p><p>TUESDAY, 15TH JULY 1918<br />Pulled out &amp; went down to position at Glisy etc. near Villers Brettoneux [Bretonneux]. The gun position being</p>

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