State Library of NSW
Perth Boorlo
Fremantle Walyalup
Rottnest Wadjemup
Garden Island Meeandip
Carnac Ngooloormayup
Guildford Mandoon
Point Preston Niergarup
Point Walter Dyoondalup
Bulter's Hump Beereegup
Point Heathcote Gooleegatup
E. Shore Entrance Canning R. Beenabup
Rocky Bay Garungup
Black Wall Reach Ienalup
Fresh Water Bay Minderup
Flats on Canning River Wadjup
Kelmscott Goolamrup
Rock at upper (?)
entrance to Fresh Water Bay Mandyooranup
Armstrong's Split Nanulgurup
Crawley Goodamboorup
Do. Split Pt. Pelican Boorianup
Eliza Bay (Mounts Bay) Goodroo
Mt Eliza Gargatup
High Land stretching from
Mt. Eliza Hay St. & St. Byerbrup
Georges Terrace
Spring Street Goodinup
Adelaide Terrace Dyeedyllalip (clay)
Bay between Mends St. &
Queen's St. South Perth. Gaboodjoolup
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