File 3: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 2, pp. 703-1164, 1825-1867: No. 019

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to Parra thursday went again to Macquarie Grove with the Revd Wilkinson & [?] on Friday - spent [?] saturday at Parramatta on Sunday [?] Recd letters from Port Macquarie & was informed that the Amity was to sail that morng for Port Maqy  Sent to Sydney & found to my great satisfac-tion that she had been prevented recd and to be on [?] at 8 OClock at night - 
Monday 21 Set Sail the Wind being foul we anchored in Watsons Bay set sail on Tuesday eveng & arrived the next day at New Castle - Thursday Friday & Saturday detained at new Castle by foul winds. set sail on Sunday Morng 27th and reached Port Stephens by the eveng on the following day dri-ven back by foul winds & currents to the [?] hills from whence we [bore?] up for New Castle - the Sabbath was truly an uncomfortable day being [?] & no service or religious exercise to cheer the soul [?] how barren are the habitations of the ungodly they know not the pleasures of [real religions?] - they seek not the honor of God thou knowest my soul longeth after the Lord when[shall he come] & appear before
[God?] I feel anxious to be with my family & my flock but he who holds the seas in the hollow of his hand knows what is best - His gracious will be done - May mine [?] be [lost?] in his. This is I believe my [dearests?] Birthday how I long to see & be with her but my Master knows what is best into his hands do [I?] [m?t] her my [?] myself my servant my all - O for grace to know I do his will - 
Wednesday 2nd Got under weigh in the afternoon with a fair wind but after [?] getting out the winds be-came variable & fell away to a calm so that we expected in the morng to find ourselves drifted to the Southard of New Castle where to our surprise in the Morng a fair wind sprung up & we found ourselves about [6m?] off of Port Stephens. [Landed Friday 4th] The wind continued favourable all the day [?] on Friday Morng  we landed at Port Macquarie where I found all my family well & every thing going on as well as could be expected

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