Daniel Bunce journal, 7 December 1846 - 2 March 1849 - Page 6

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16. Some ducks were shot - Several birds of the [??] [River?]
was seen. Weather very hot. Perry busy in altering the
Packsaddles. The Party at the  camp herding cattle
by turns - despatched a letter to the Melbourne
Argus -  

17.The doctor and the two blackfellows again gone  
for the cattle but returned with  no luck.   Found plants of
Capparia[sic] Marshilia and a new plant like Bursaria  
preserved specimens of the latter - tasted fruit of
the little lemon and found them of an agreeable acid
?, Brunomia  and Mimulus  in a small
plain near Charlie's Creek - as also Convolvulaceae
Salicornia, Lotus, Pimelea, [Thracia?], Myoporum
Prostrata.  A  heavy thunder storm in the evening
which was very refreshing -
18 Mr Mann myself and Wommi went up the creek to
look for a crossing place and found a fording  place about
three miles from the camp, preserved specimens
of some of the plants as above - as also Symphetum  
and Caßia  brought by the Doctor in the evening -
our old friends the blacks appear again bringing
with them their Gins. Killed a sheep - this creek is
wonderfully prolific in ?? plants. The blacks
camp close to us. - Nearby thunder and very vivid
lightening about commenced raining and continue till 12 oclock
the time my watch commenced.
19" This morning two blackfellows have breakfast with us and one
of them go with Turnball and Brown to look for the stray mules and return
at one with one mule and one horse - it is nearly impossible to
make ourselves [uninterested?]  by the blacks. they expressed great aston
ishment at the goats. the fellow had never mounted a horse before
and was rather nervous, preserved specimens of [Philanthus?]
Caßia, ?? ??, ??, Sida, another small
kind of Bean - thermometer at 3. 90 - ? this morning 66 - glass [70?]
[sunset?] - thunder and lightning again in the  
evening accompanied  by rain - from S.W.
The Dr Brown and the blackfellow again for the horses & - the  
20. Dr returned at 1 oclock?  having [him?] suffered an attack of
T [??] to which I am sorry to say he appears to be subject  
these blacks [all?] things, it follows - ??, Goong
Charlies Creek  wandarray. Bokara, Condamine, [Gandakah?]
[a'ada?] - word - Gony - water, Thono - woman
[Kanthi?] - no good - [Boashanthi?], [stinking?], Boging. dog
Gothany, cloud, n'yan n'yan, ?? [Charrony?], ??

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