Papers relating to Sir Ian Hamilton, 1920 - Page 30

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[Page 30]


were counter-attacked by us.  The total Turkish casualties in this action were afterwards ascertained to have been about 200. 

From 28th May till 5th June the chief operations again centered round that much contested point, QUINN'S POST.      

Mining operations, to which I have already alluded, had been in progress at this point for some days before 28th May.  Three enemy's galleries had been detected and work on them stopped by counter-mines, the explosion of which, as we heard from a prisoner, had killed 20 and injured 30 of the enemy. One of the enemy's gallerys had, however, not been detected, and at 3.30 a.m. on 29th May a mine was sprung in or near QUINN'S POST.  The explosion was followed by a very  heavy bomb attack before which our left centre sub-secrtion fell back letting in a storming party of Turks.  This isolated one subsection on the left from the other subsections of the right.  At 5 a.m. orders were isued by the General Officer Commanding Australiian and New Zealand Army Corps that the lost subsection of the trench was to be retaken, arrangements being made for covering fire from adjoining posts.   

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