Part 02: Dene Barrett Fry letters, 17th May 1915-16 April 1917 - Page 39

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[Page 39]


We went all round in cars. Saw Westminster, St Pauls Whitechapel, Picadilly, Harrods The Tower, the Bridge the War works, the Alhambra – Paladium & two other Theatres, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Castle, the B. Museum, in fact most of the good things. Some of the chaps met Lords and other things of note and were invited to Banquets etc. Some bumped Amy Castles who gave them a tea at the "Cecil" & sang to them afterwards. But every one treated us hansomly & were we were jolly glad we were Australians. On the Sunday I went to Cambridge only to find Mr. H was in Scotland. Well, I wrote & wired and tried had to interview him, but have

come away without doing so. But even if I have to break leave I will see him when I come back to England. Please tell Father how sporty it was of him to send me the tenner. I have not drawn it yet because I only got a telegram from the Bank just as the boat was leaving S'hampton to say they had received it, but when I get back again I will be able to pay my debts. I suppose he thought all kinds of things but it would have been no end of a pity not to have seen a bit of Old England.

Now, as to our plans. We are a day off Alexandria Egypt. We take on 600 english wounded and go to Southampton getting there a the end of September. Then we go to Egypt and take Australian wounded to Australia arriving in Sydney the end of Nov about. Kill the fatted calf. Best love to all

Lovingly Dene

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