Part 02: Dene Barrett Fry letters, 17th May 1915-16 April 1917 - Page 7

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[Page 7]

A.67. S.S. Orsova.
16th July.

Dear Mother.

The trip so far has been lovely. Of course there are many sick, but for a wonder I have been down to every meal, and have done any ordinary self respecting horse justice in the amount eaten. The food is good. We have roasts vegetables, cold ham & mutton with pickles, plenty of bread & butter & tea & coffee. This morning we had the most lovely porridge, while yesterday we had barly broth. Revaille goes at 6 and it is quite dark when we get up on decks. However I have not yet seen the sunrise for there has always been a fog. Still, you can imagine what an interest I have in this rare phenomenon incited in me, in fact gentlemen, I might say instilled, imbued, inforced in me, drawn, extolled, exhorted from the very heart of nature herself, from my boyhood. Sed fleistra, flustia, vevi, non vedi.

We sleep in hammocks with two blankets, all packed like sardines. Alan will tell you all about it. Twelve of us sleep in a space 12x6 feet

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