Part 02: Dene Barrett Fry letters, 17th May 1915-16 April 1917 - Page 3

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My address is. Priv. D. B. Fry
Army Med. Corps.
Field Hospital

Field Hospital

Dear Mother

We got back alright I met Noel and Jim and we went along together. On Milson's Pt. Station Jim met Dr. & Mrs Beatty who had a large bottle of trifle which we showed to the men in my tent, then out and ate. It was 12.30 then and before day break – well you know, and all the next day. Well on Monday I fixed up my transfer and now repose at nights with Jim in the A.M.C. I was lucky enough to get onto a ward straight away. Last night a married chap died, and I'm afraid he was not too well attended to. He was in dreadful pain all night and I don't believe they quite knew what it was but roumour says meningitis. The men are great: as cheerful as larks, and they pinch away as often as they can. They all curse the lying in and many seem as if home nursing would be good enough.

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