Part 02: Dene Barrett Fry letters, 17th May 1915-16 April 1917 - Page 51

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[Page 51]

his very words were "We could have spared the Colonel better." Everyone speaks well of him and loved him as a leader. We have two of his men on board this very boat now who say they would have gone anywhere with him. Another man who was decent enough to console with me when he knew I was a relative was Lieut-Col MaConachy, a friend of Mr. McMillan's All I could gather concerning the business was to the effect that he was hit when 500 yards behind the firing line, probably by a stray, and the death was sudden. The 19th had only been in action about 8 or 10 days. That was all. Sed miles sed propatria.

It is dreadfully bad luck about Rollie Rogers too. He was killed in a great charge of the 18th Batallion,

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