Part 02: Dene Barrett Fry letters, 17th May 1915-16 April 1917 - Page 93

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[Page 93]

Posted at Fremantle, W.A.
30 Aug. 1916
A. 18

Dear Father

This is Sunday and so far we have had a fair trip. Although the sea is fairly rough this boat is 50% a finer sea vessel than the Orsova, and rides them well. But there is a tearing head wind and biting cold weather making it necessary for us to wear overcoats and balalavas all day. The ships the crests all over the fore hatch where we are billeted and only today got drenched going for aid. I have never seen less sea-sickness on any vessel, leave alone a troop-ship, but Spence is disastrously ill. We are all disgusted tho' at the way he has taken it and

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