Part 02: Dene Barrett Fry letters, 17th May 1915-16 April 1917 - Page 62

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[Page 62]

gangway & stopped the first man who came up to him with a blow of his fist. But it did not add to his popularity, and in the Australian Army these little incidents are liable to be nursed. The men fell in in fours and one of their number posed as an officer. In this way they got through the guard at the gate. Cute wasn't it? They all returned that night in various stages of sobriety. However, no effort was made to check the men, & no punishment was meted out to them. Strange? No! In the meanwhile the "Demosthenes" (A.64), had departed with nearly two complete Victorian Batallions, from the Pier, right opposite us. The authorities made the bloomer of opening the gates to the crowd too late, and in consequence they arrived too late to throw streamers and their farewell gifts to the soldiers. They gave us cheers & we gave them cheers. Later on we passed them, but we did not see them again. However, its an ill wind that blows no body any good, and it blew in my direction to the effect of a nice box of chocolates and a sweet piece of wattle. A girl threw it to me and told me it was meant for someone else, but alas! However she said she was glad a soldier had got it, but that there was something inside the box which I need not keep. I can keep a secret tho'. The piece of wattle I intended to wear in London. It's keeping well, I often look at it. Such is life.

Before we left Melbourne, the "Kyarra" with her 500 Australian wounded, have a arrived. They drew up to the wharf just as we drew out of it. She was a magnificent sight. The wounded men lined every available

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