Part 02: Dene Barrett Fry letters, 17th May 1915-16 April 1917 - Page 134

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[Page 134]

is oer. The ground here is honeycombed with shell & mine craters, dugouts & trenches. One mine crater is just about a good stone throw across, and about fourty feet deep. A large Fritz grave behind it shows how successful it was. There is a slightly smaller one each side of it, & then Fritz got one under some 10th W. Yorks & some Scotties, and a grave in our old lines tells its tale. The earth is a mass of fragmentary iron & unburst missiles of all kinds. Shells shell cases, grenades, bombs, old bits of rifles & ammunition abound, & last & certainly most annoying to us, endless field of chopped up barbed wire entanglement. His dugouts show conclusively both that he never for one moment expected to be pushed out of this line, & equally clearly demonstrated that he had no intention of advancing either. Then the

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