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On "Flying Picquet", to keep the Arabs away from the camp. I was on foot, and the Arabs were too fast for me, so I threw stones at them. I was wishing for a horse and a 12 ft. stockwhip. Our horses were unfit to ride for a fortnight, and we had some solid rifle & bayonet drill. At 12 o'clock at night I was called up to go on fatigue, to unload transport waggons. I did not like it, after chasing niggers all day. Worked till 4 a.m.
Was sent into Cairo with 12 others to guard chaff, etc., lying in railway yard. Had very little to do, and had a good look round in Cairo. Was surprised at the numerous nationalities to be seen. There were English, French, Russians, Greeks, Armenians, Turks, Italians, Arabs, Soudanese, and a few Japs and Chinese. Had a little trouble at first with Egyptian coinage, but we soon picked it up after being cheated hand over fist for a while. Everywhere one goes there is an eternal cry for "Backsheesh".