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War Diary
1916 24th May
Two Battns. of the 12th Infy. Brigade moved from Railhead to Staging Camp.

25th May
Ordinary Regimental work.

26th May
49th Bn. moved to Railhead and the 50th Bn. took over the whole of right of line.

27th May
52nd Bn. moved to Railhead together with H.Q. 13th Infy. Bde. – 51st Bn. took over the whole of left of line - G.O.C. accompanied staff of 53rd Divn. round front line – It is part of this Divn. that is taking over from 4th Div. on its proceeding overseas.

28th May
Brigade Church Parade – During the previous week all ranks issued with helmets.

29th May
3 Regiments of 163rd Bde came into camp at Railhead to take over front line -

30th May
5th Norfolks took over the left of line.

31st May
5th Suffolks and 8th Hants taking over centre and right of line – 51st Battn. to Railhead.

1st June
C. in C. and Gen. Godley inspected the lines of the Bde. and were very much impressed with all they saw – Gen. Godley said good-bye to the officers of Bgde.

2nd June
Right of line inspected by Gen. Ward cmdg. this sub-section.

3rd June
Left of line inspected.

4th June
13th A. Inf. Bde. moved to Railhead. 60 Pounders Batty. to Railhead from front line. Church Parade: - Bde. Band lent to 13th Inf. for a Brigade Service, and during the day played the Bde. out of camp.
Very bad dust storms doing a considerable amount of damage to trenches

5th June
G.O.C. at conference 53rd Divn. Ismailia re Muksheib Column.

6th June
Mj. Cooke R.E. called to discuss details for above column – Bde. Band going well – enjoyed by all. Wet and dry canteen in full swing also Coffee Bar.

7th June
Inspection of front line (right) by G.O.C. and G.Os.C.

Current Status: 