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Hats were sharp on the crown like the [Shaft?] of a Steeple ¼ of a yard high hat
1503 on the Crown of Silk velvet Taffeta Sarcenet wool or heir far fetchd &
dear bought the velvet & Taffeta hats pinkd & carved some worn with some without Bands few without a bunch of Feathers at the Cap Stubbs anat: of [a horse?]
[saren?] the Soldiers & Courtiers wore Conical caps all the Rest of the men are Bare headed Strut Vol 1.
1369 in this year they begin to use Caps of divers Colors Especialy Red with
Costly Linings Camden Remains p253
1580 a cap with aglets or buttons of Gold alveary
Toaque The bonnet of a blue Coat boy is calld his Toaque Evely Medal p140
Toaque a monmouth Cap is a Sailors Cap when ornamented a montano hat
Randle Holm Book 3 ch 1. No 63
1575 a Fair Strawn hat with a Capital Crown Steplewise on his Longhorn
Killingsworth p.29
Brooch Marrie, Gods blessing on their Heart[ful] Set Such a Broch on my Cap
Gascoigne 1587 Wupperes p.1.
hat a Captan [had?] hat made one [Flemish?] black Gascoigne 2.p.15h
a Bever hat - F chapeau de [Beavore] Palsgrave 1580
aglets a Cap with aglets or Buttons of Gold Pileus clavatus
Bonnet a Bonnet or under Cap Goldsman
1530 cappe with a double, Turfe, Barette, Toque de millein Palsgrave
Paltocke Paltocke of Lether Pellice }
Paltocke garment [haloret?] } Palsgrave
Turfe Tyrfe of Cappe or such like velore Do
1464 in the Battle of Hedgley moor between Edward the 4 & Hen the 6th Henry by the [surglness?] of his horse, one of his Hench men that Followd him was taken having King H. Helmet on or some say his high Cap of Estate calld abacat Garnishd with 2 Rich Crowns on his head Baker 20h
The Jews were obligd in Early times of our history to wear Square bonnets or Caps Du Conge
The Ceremony of a Respectfull Salute by Pulling of the hat seems to have originated before hats were used when war [creastors?] usd as they termed it to veil their Bonnet this has some reference to the salute demanded by English men of war from all Foreign ships navigating in british seas when they Compell to lower a topsail in token of Respect
a part of the Sail of a ship was properly Calld a Bonnet
one of the higher priveleges of an ambassador as representative of a monarch was to be Vovered in the Presence of the monarch to whom he was sent Then when the ambassadors of Foreign Crowned heads Paid their Compts to Ch 2nd when at the Hague on his way to England at the Restoration They in a body Resolvd that the King could not dispence with himself of treating them according to the dignity of their character & making them be Covered after admitting them Glories & Triumphs of the Restitution of Ch 2nd London 1662 vi p53