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troublesome and shewed signs of hostilities towards us. We however thought they would go off at Sun down as they had done before, and that then I could leave the place without any risk, but it proved to the contrary for three Cannoes were now come in, and places were fixed on for their residence during the Night, and fires made. --
I therefore determined to do our best while it was light and directed some provisions we had Bought to be put into the Boat. -- The Cheifs desired I would stay nothwithstanding they perceived that I saw all their people were Arming with Clubs & Stones. -- We were now all on the go, and taking One of the Cheifs by the Hand, with a Cutlass in the other, and my people with Sticks, we proceeded down to the Boat, when we were attacked by a Multitude of Indians in the course of which I lost a very worthy good man and the rest of us more or less bruized and Wounded.
As I hauled out to our Grapnel I hoped they could no longer annoy us, but here I was mistaken for they launched their Cannoes and gave Battle to us, or rather stoned us untill I got a League from the Land. I could not return their Salute but with such Stones as lodged in the Boat. -- I therefore as the only thing left for to save our lives, exhorted every one to persevere in rowing, and throwing overboard some Cloaths which beguiled them, and they lost time in taking up, together with the Night coming on. We very miraculously escaped. --