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Summary of events from midnight 18/19 to 6 a.m. 20th

References to Squared Map 1/40 000 and to Plan of Anzac Position 1/10 000

The period under report has been occupied taken up with what may be described as a general action. Some warning of the possibility of this was received from two sources. G.H.Q. passed on to us information received from the aerodrome that a large force of the enemy were about 228 land in with four steamboats and a number of small boats off the shore; HMS Triumph reported that there was a movement of troops from North and East of Krithia west along the coast.

This information was thought to be sufficient indicative of a possible attack in force to warrant sending a warning out to the troops to be on the alert. This warning reached the trenches at 10 p.m. and resulted in all troops being prepared for the heavy fire attack made at midnight, and for the actual series of attacks which commenced at 4 am shortly after 3 am
The troops under my command were disposed during the night as follows –
Main Position
No.1 Section - 3rd Aust. Infy Bde.- 6 guns APA 6 guns IMA
No.II Section - 1st Aust Infy Bde.- 5 guns APA 1 6"H
No.3 Section - 1st Light Horse Bde 3 guns NZA 4th Aust.Infy Bde 3 guns 1MA 2.4.5" How.
No.4 Section.- N.Z. M.R. Bde M.R. Bde 4 guns NZA 3 guns IMA 2.4.5" How 1.6"
Local Reserve in valley in rear of No3.T and 3 sections. 2nd Aust.Infy Bde.
General Reserve on Beach position - Beach parties 3 guns APA 16 Machine guns 1 gun NZA.

During the 18th our positions were subjected to a heavy fire from large calibre guns up to 12" & howitzers. Chiefly in No3 section and on the track.

At midnight 18/19 a heavy rifle and machine gun fire broke out from the enemy positions at the head of Monash Gully and about Baby 700 directed chiefly on Quinn's Post. This fire was the hottest we have known as yet but it caused few casualties. It continued till 3 a.m. when

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