Volume 06: John Macarthur accounts, 1806-1832: No. 520
Primary tabs
Invoice of Goods shipped on board the Eliza Captain Dixon, bound to Sydney New South Wales & consigned to John Macarthur Esq.
IMeA a Puncheon containing Hops £1..6..6
[Figs?] 172 Check shirts @ 22/6 16..2..6
100 Gr Duck Trousers
@ 32/3 13..6..8 £ 30..15..8
1 Archimedes Pump with frame
&c complete 10..0..0
John Macarthur Esq
N. S. Wales } a Britschka complete
with Driving Box & Do for
servant behind. four wheels
pole &c &c complete 150..0..0
packed in Britscka [sic.]
100 Gross corks @ 2/ pr. Gross £10.
25 ~ of Do in Dowlling boxes
@ 4/- } 5. 15..0..0
2 ps. 100 yards Drill @ 14d 5..16..8
E.G. London.
18th June 1830.
J[?] Macarthur