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Madeira May 27 1777

Dear Sir

I had a letter from Mr. Aiton by last Pacquet & am sorry to hear that Oglivy [Ogilvy] is not yet arrived.  However to compensate for that loss I have sent about two months ago by a Mr. Grindlay (a Gentleman who was sometime here for his health) a Collection of about 123 different Species of Plants.  I have heard that he is safely arrived in Lisbon, and will no doubt have delivered them long before this reaches you.  I have now sent you My own Collection of Plants by Mr. Donaldson a Merchant of this places who is returning to England.

He I have no doubt will take particular care of them; they consist of about 444 folios, and I think upwards of 400 different species, which I take the liberty to recommend to your care untill [until] I return, with powr [power] to:  Open, Examine, & discribe [describe] any plants that may not be in your Collection.  My friends no doubt will be surprized at My long Stay in Madeira;  but I hope you will easily conceive the reason, during My stay here I have had two opportunities to the Canaries but they happening too early I had not half compleated [completed] My Madeira Collection, which I thought would be a great pity to neglect, as I have great doubts of being able to investigate either the Canaries or Azores with that accuracy as Madeira:  owing to the good disposition of the Governour, and the genteel Society of English Gentlemen who reside here.

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