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also a Rim of fine Paper, cut to the same Size of my own Herbarium I having intirly [entirely] forgot that article, also a few Pounds of Powder and some of the finest shot for small birds when I arrive in the W Indies, which will greatly oblige your most sincere Humble servant,
Frans Masson
A List of the Specimens
1 Silene occulta
2 Chrysanthemum Laciniatum.
3 Sedum fasigiatum. B
4 Sempervivum villosum.
5 Telradynamia. 5
6 Cineraria populifolia. 5
7 Lotus parvifolia.
8 Adiantum reniforme. Linn.
9 Asplenium Hemeonitis. Linn.
10 Hyperieum.
11 Plantago cynops. 5. Linn.
12 Phyllis.
13 Mentha elegans. 5.
14 Satureja verticillasis. 3
15 Lotus.
16 Lobelia.
17 Borago. ?
18 Lavendula - fl. albo.
19 - fl. cerulea.
20 Euphorbia oleandrifolia 5
21 Arabis dubia.
22 Andryala.
23 Sida in Hortis
24 - Salicifolia
25 Aster ?
26 Dioecia ? Forte nova genus
27 Teucrium morifolia 5
28 Cheiranthus tenuifolia 5
29 Triandria. 1 gynia, N Genus
30 Echium thyrsiflorum 5
31 Genista ?
32 Teucrium candida 5
33 Bupleurum 5
34 Chondrilla
35 Cytisus tenera 5
36 Gelranium sim: polustre
37 Prunus lusitanica ? Indigenus
38 Sonchus fruticorus 5
39 Sideritis 5
40 Crambe fruticosa
42 Sonchus 5
43 Genista
44 Gorteria discoides fort. V.G.
45 Mentha
467 Sempervivum bituminosumitz
48 Andryala
48 Osmunda
49 Eleagnus in Hortie
50 Aitonia pulchella 5
[In margin]
Mr. Masson
- 76
Decr. 29