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or assigns shall and will keep the dwelling house in good and tenantable repair at his or their own cost or charge. And that he the said Arthur Kemmis his Executors, Administrators or Assigns shall and will keep the outbuildings, railings, fences and every part of the said premises in good and tenantable repair during the whole time of said tenancy and furthermore the said Arthur Kemmis, his Executors, Administrators, or assigns, shall, and will build at his, or their own cost and charge, at least Five good and tenantable rooms in addition to the present Dwelling House - as also a Laundry, Forge, and sundry out offices, and other accommodations and improvements, and furthermore, the said Arthur Kemmis For himself, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, will and shall put up, and keep in good repair, good substantial three rail fences, round all land which shall [befit?] under cultivation on said farm, in addition to what is already under cultivation, and furthermore, the said Arthur Kemmis for himself, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, shall and will cause all stumps of trees to be removed out of such land as shall be put under cultivation, in addition to what is already under cultivation on said farm - and shall and will quit and deliver up the same and every part and parcel thereof in good plight and condition, and further that the said Arthur Kemmis, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, shall not, or will not, take or pull down or cause to be taken, pulled down or detroyed, any part of the said Dwelling House, Outbuildings, railings or fences, or any other part of the said premises, without the licence or consent of the said Reverend Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley, and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell) their Executors, Administrators or Assigns or their Constituents or Agents for the time being, in writing for that purpose first had and obtained. And the said Reverend Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell) do hereby for themselves their Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, covenant promise and agree to and with the said Arthur Kemmis, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, that they the said Reverend Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell) do by those present give and deliver over possession of the said premises on the said First day of January, in this present year of our Lord, one thousand, eigth hundrem and thirty four, on which day the said Tenancy is to commence - And that the said Arthur Kemmis, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns shall from thence-forth have, and retain peaceable and quiet possession of the said premises
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premises, free from the lot, suit, or trouble, molestation, or hindrance, of or by them the said Reverend Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley or her the said Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell), their Executors, Administrators or Assigns, or of from or by, any other person or persons, claiming, or to claim from, by, or under these, or any of or of from or by any other person or persons, whomsoever or wheresoever; until the end of thesaid tenancy. And it is hereby lastly mutually covenanted and agreed between the said parties that in case either of them, their Executors, Administrators or Assigns, shall be minded or desirous after the expiration of the said Tenancy to put an end to and determine the same, they shall be at liberty to do so when giving unto the other of them their Executors, Administrators or Assigns, Six Calendar Months notice or warning of such their, his or her mind and intention; and that from and immediately after the expiration of the said Six Calendar Months notice or warning in writing; this present Indenture and every covenant clause, article, and agreement herein con-tained, and the tenancy hereby created shall from thenceforth cease, end, and determine save and except the covenant as to the payment of any Rent that may then remain due and unpaid. And for the due performance of these present, each and every of the said parties hereto do bind themselves, their Executors, Administrators, and Assigns in the Penal sum of One Hundred Pounds. - In Witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands, and affixed their seals, the day, and year First hereinbefore mentioned-
Signed, sealed and delivered, by the said Reverend Thomas Hassall in the presence of John [Glason?] Tho Hassall [signature of Thomas Hassall]
Signed, sealed and delivered, by the said James Hassall in the presence of John [Glason?] Jas Hassall [signature of James Hassall]