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This Agreement made and entered into between Lucy Hassall Executrix, for and on behalf of herself and Executors of the late Samuel Otoo Hassall on one part, and Thomas Peasenell on the other, Witnesseth; that, the said Lucy Hassall doth agree to give to the said Thomas Peasenell quiet and peaceable possession of a piece or parcel of land formerly occupied by William Goodenough, containing Twenty Acres more or less being part of a Farm known by the name of Milford Vale in the District of Bathurst and County of Roxburgh; Bounded on the South and West by the Fish River on the East Mr Henry Cox's grant, and on the  North by the remaining part of Milford Vale, for the full term of Seven Years, from the Fifteenth day of January, in the year of Our Lord One thousand, Eight hundred and Twenty Nine, on the following conditions. That ,Thomas Peasenell shall pay, or cause to be paid, unto Lucy Hassall or any  person duly authorized by her to receive the same the Yearly Rent of Twenty Pounds Sterling, commencing said Fifteenth day of January One thousand Eight hundred, and twenty nine, and that he shall erect or cause to be erected on the said land, a House, with at least Twenty-five Pounds Sterling, and put up a good Substantial Three railed fence, and properly enclose the land, within the term of Five Years from the commencement of this Lease: Provided, Nevertheless; that the said Thomas Peasenell keep a good, and orderly house, and does not trespass, or knowingly allow any person or persons to trespass, on any other part of the Farm during this Agreement.
The said house and fence, together with all other improvements, to be left [indecipherable] Tenantable repair at the end of [indecipherable] Years. And for the due fulfilment of this agreement the parties herein named do bind themselves the one to the other in the penal sum of Fifty Pounds, good and lawful Money. In Witness whereof they have hereunto set their hands and Seals, the days and dates underwritten. 
Signed and sealed at O'Connells Plains this [blank] day of [blank] One thousand eight hundred & [blank] 
[Signature:] In Presence of 
Thos Firkin
Wm. Firkin

Signed and sealed at Macquarie Grove, this Twenty Second day of November, One thousand, Eight Hundred, & Thirty
Lucy Hassall
In Presence of 
James [indecipherable]

Current Status: 
Ready for review