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18th Jan 1918
From the 11th to 18th January was in front line in reserves. Was in a pill box when in the line on company headquarters. Had trench fever very badly.
18th Jan 1918
Was warned for Divisional School again at Scherpenburg and for the first fortnight was still very bad with fever but picked up again.
28th Jan 1918
Walked into Bailleul to get something for Leonie's 21st birthday but only managed to get a lace collar hand made. It was certainly very dainty.
23rd Feb 1918
Rejoined battalion at Parralt Camp after finishing the 4 weeks course at the school and passing fairly well visited La Clytte & Looe etc.
6th March 1918
From 23rd Feb to 6th March was doing fatique right up to the front line at spoil bank & left on this day for Bailleul. Billeted in a very clean barn on a respectable sort of farm as farms go over here. People very kind and always willing to give one hot water to wash in as it was very cold first thing.
Paid one or two visits to Bailleul while here, we were a mile or so out of the town and also saw the smart set.
25th March 1918
Ordered to the front again to assist on the Somme. During the last three weeks Bailleul was being shelled heavily and bombed at night. People forced to evacuate. It was a very sad sight to see them leaving their homes. While here I was on the telephone in the orderly room and on the Sunday before leaving was warned for a school but owing to the German offensive starting again all schools were broken up. Motored to Arras stayed at Bailleulmont with Scots Guards.
26th March 1918
Left Bailleulmont for Albert sector 9.30pm marched all night distance (33 kilos 22 miles) fighting order arrived at Senlis 7am. Very weary tired footsore shoulders aching. Rested for two hours & then went up to Mellencourt.