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Translation of a paper communicated By Mr Stuart to Lord Hobart relative to the Map now existing in the Church of St Michael di Murano at Venice.
From the Library of St Michael at Venice in the Account of Manuscripts preserved there, with the Appendix, drawn up by Jo. Benet Mertarelle, Abbot. 1779. p. 736. et segg.
Mauro a Monk of the order of Cûlmes - a Planisphere of his with his Annotations, is still extant in the Collections marked, Coy & 1112.
A Medal was struck in honour of Mauro with this Inscription in the Circumference.
Frater Maurus, Monachus Carnaldunensis sancti Michaelis de Muriano Cosmographus incomparibilis.
Mauro flourished in themiddle of the fifteenth Century.
A Memoir to serve as a Dissertation upon his Antient Planisphere, is extant in the Codex 626. the Annotations made by him, in the Codex 1112 - it was our intention to give these Annotations at full length; but as they are very large, & contain much upon the Heavens, & the number of Planets according to the Authority of Theologians, as well as concerning the situation of the Fenestrial Paradise; concerning the distance of the Planets from the Centre of the Earth; concerning the Elements & their various qualities.