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Hudson says we are all perfectly agreed after reconsidering the business
many times that there is no error on our parts in the allotments
& as the business that had been so long kept open in hopes to satisfy Mr. W
Gerrard I have done my duty to the best of my knowledge to him & all the other
proprietors both in valueing & dividing the Land If there is a mistake
in the comparative value of the Lands as Mr. W asserts it arose from an
error in judgment in [indecipherable] - you appeard to me more anxious
to give Mr. Walls satisfaction then to please any other person
The 3 Commissioners all agree that they have made no mistake
They repeatedly attended to Mr. Ws. Complaints the year the field was allotted & in consequence several times reviewd all the Lands & declared to each other then on the spot that they agreed in thinking Mr. Ws. allottment as well worth the value they had set upon it as any other
Mr. Ws. Complaint about the Boothby Lands Rotting Sheep was duely attended
to in Fixing the corn rent on that account [Mess?] Ms's Tithe was reduced to 1/7
Sir Peter had 206 acres of Field Land & 34 of old enclosure in the Center of the
Village being homesteds & the greatest part of the Richest Land in the Parish = 240
he received in exchange 169 Field Land at the greatest distance from the Village & [anciently?] allowd to be the Poorest in it 94 of enclosed Land Calld Thwaite surrounded with wood & of a barren & inferior Quality also subject to pay tithe by corn rent but the Land he gave to Mess M. is Tithe Free under the act
Thwaite farm was valued close by close & averagd 14/9 which with 1/8 allowed for Tithe makes 16/5 per acre
he had also an allotment of 35 acres in North Field near Hanley farm valued at 10/6 = 298
his distant North field allottment was carefully examined furlong by furlong beginning at the nearest end to the homestead & valued in proportion ceteris paribus to its distance at 11/10/9/ Per acre & the most distant at
8/7/ & 6 averaging 7/7 an acre the farthest Land being two miles from the Homested the Proprietor must erect Barns to enable [to] Tenant to occupy it & the Land itself being bad requires more expence to fence it than better
Mr. W asserts that Mess M. gave Thwait 94 acres of old enclosure for 23 acres of old & 57 of Field Land being together 80 only but he forgets that Thwate is subject to tithe which being deducte[d] at the rate of 1/9 reduces it to 83
Mess Ms. allotment No 2 is valued furlong by furlong from 14 to 9/ and acre averaging about 12/7d being about ½ a mile from the village & ¼ at most from [Gonerby?]
Mr. Ws. allotment No. 3 begins at the village & extends to Boothby homested it was valued in small peices beginning at Walton at 16 & 17. by Boothby at 14 the whole at various prices from 17 to 12 & 10 averaging 14/5.
The old enclosures you receive from Sir P& Mess M. are partly of an inferior sort are [29] acres at various prices 12 & 8 & you give only 13 valued from 20 & is average 14/7 you consequently gain in Quantity 10 acres which 10 acres should be added to your allotment N0. 3 of 218 making it 228. to this add 41½ given out of your field Land for Tithe road & gravel pits for Common herbage say 4 makes 273½ no great difference from 291 Considering that you have got the best Land calculations by acres are however unfair because almost every acre varies in Quality from its next [neighbor?]
Respecting Queen annes bounty Lands Sir P. Recd. 1 acre 1 R. & 20 P. for paying the Rate of £20 & For Fencing £10.12 so that it cost Sir P. more than £30
The Manor of Thwaite is under the Paramouncy of [Realtor] & therefore Possesses no right of Soil no allotment could be made for this & all its Rights which are [indecipherable] [one] protected by the [indecipherable] clause