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[Address at centre of page]                                 

Mr Sykes - Navy Agent

Arundel Street - Strand


For Captain Phil. G. King

Royal Navy


M. F.


July 22. 1806 A report is spread here of Sir Josephs death, but I hope in God it is not true!


[Text on page] 

making acquirements of knowledge and virtue. Pray kiss her for me, and present her and her good Mama with my respectful and affectionate remembrances.

Adieu, my dear Sir; at this time, I trust it is not necessary for me to beg you will preserve a place for me in your recollection and friendship, and be assured, that it is with the highest esteem and consideration, I am your obliged friend and most faithful humble servant

Matttw Flinders

P.S. My faithful servant John Elder is the only one of the Cumberlands remaining here; all, except myself, were permitted to depart, but he refused to leave me.

July 11. PS. If the admiralty should be indolent in their endeavours to procure my liberation, it has struck me, that perhaps a letter from you might stimulate them. Of all the people in England you are the best capable of appreciating the value of my discoveries in Australia, - you know best the unfortunate circumstances that prevented me from doing more, and whether or no I made the best use of the short time before these circumstances happened: from first making Cape Leeuwin to finding the Investigator rotten, at the head of the Gulph of Carpentaria, was a less time than one year. 

M. F.

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