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[Pagbe 3]

little of it this way, The Wind was high, There was at  same time much Rain, Thunder and Lightening.

I paid a Visit lately to Dr Drummond in Westmoreland. His assistant is Mr John Lindsay who you have seen, he is an expert Botanist, and at present is writing a Paper on the sleep of Plants.

Dr Garthshore just says shortly "The 6th Vol of Londn Medical Obs & Inquiries is published & has your Papers". I am to thank you for the assistance you gave me in the Articles of Mata Medication [?].

Mr Wallen I fancy will write to you but poor Man, his House at Coldspring is demolished by the late storm.

Please write immediately, address'd to me in Trelawny, Jamaica. I intend sailing for London early in May next with respectfull Complimts to Lady Banks, I have the Honr to be     Dear Sir

Your most obed Servt
Willm Wright

Sir J Banks

Current Status: 