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descriptions of plants, ever since I began after the dreadful storm & inundation at & about Coring [Coringo] in 1787. arranged according to the sexual system.  It forms a voluminous Indian Flora of 28 quires which I think might be published either with or without figures.  I will send it on now, under charge of Mr. Mayne, the 2nd Officer of the Castle Huntley who will deliver it to you, or to my Agent, Mr. Amos or our friend Mr. Davis the Director. who will wait on you with it. & when you and Mr. Brown (the Gentleman I used to see in your house) have time, beg you will cast an eye over a few ages of it, & with such other opinions as you may Think proper to show it to determine what ought to be done with it.  you may well imagine the immense labour it has cost me, & by labouring so hard as I have done since my last return from England to India, do I attribute my present miserable state of health.  yet I cannot rest. / or to please myself of & Colonel Bentson. I shall begin upon the plants of this Island as soon as the Fleet has sailed.

          I have got another Solah hat or two for you, which I shall get Dr. Anderson to carry on.  I never wear any other,

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